Musical Minds: COMPASSION, CONNECTIVITY, CREATIVITY Publications by Alison Maerker Garner
Musical Minds, Volume 1 with Textbook, CD, and Teacher’s Manual published through MerryPace Press in 2011. CD produced at Castle Acoustics, 2006. Illustrations by Margaret Scanlan. $35.
The Musical Minds series integrates art, dance, movement, and language lessons through a combination of Orff, Kodàly, Suzuki, and Dalcroze philosophy to teach musical elements. Volume one, geared for the late first and second year music student, introduces and practices musical form, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, and tempo. The accompanying CD provides aural examples of many of the lessons and includes selections from the folk tradition. This purchase is a must for parents of beginning music students and young children. Use the CD as a listening tool, or practice music reading and theory skills from the book. Illustrations are done by professional watercolorist Margaret Scanlan.
The Teacher’s Manual provides detailed lesson plans for the group class instructor—an invaluable aid to any teacher interested in supplementing group class lesson plans with Orff, Kodàly, and/or Dalcroze methodology.
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Musical Minds Reading Supplement links the conceptual knowledge gained in Musical Minds volume 1 with the application of those concepts through symbolic notation in Musical Minds volume 2. Each small book is geared to an instrument: violin, viola, cello, and piano. $15
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Musical Minds, Volume 2 for early intermediate-level violin, viola, cello, and piano students with reading book, 6 CDs, and curriculum. Students learn musical elements through aural response, improvisation, reading, simple score analysis, critical listening, composition, arranging, and chamber performance within the context of period style and technique. Continues Musical Minds, vol. 1’s integration of sensory development and the aesthetic sense through visual art, movement, poetry, and language. Recorded at Nightsong Studios, Knoxville, TN 2013. Also currently available for purchase at Package $75
Musical Minds Volume 2 package (Text, 6 CDs, Reading Book) $80
Text/CDs $65; Reading Book $35; Chamber $30 for Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, Score set
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Musical Minds, Volume 3 Renaissance-Baroque chamber music for intermediate-level violin, viola, cello, and piano students including history Text and theory, Reading Book, Resource Book and Chamber Books. Text/Reading Books feature approximately fifteen excerpts and full compositions from the Renaissance and Baroque Periods. Resource Book introduces folk tunes and dances plus improvisation on ground bass. Chamber Books offer works by Corelli, Bach, Pachelbel.
Musical Minds, Volume 3 Text Book $30; Reading Book $30; Resource Book $30
Chamber Book $30 Set; $15 per instrument available for violin, viola, cello, piano, score
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Musical Minds, Volume 4 Classical-early Romantic chamber music for intermediate-advanced level violin, viola, cello, and piano students including history text, theory, score reading, and performance practice. Includes Text, Reading, Resource and two Chamber Books: Piano Trios and String Quartets. Text/Reading include fifteen excerpts and full compositions from the Classical and early Romantic Periods.
Musical Minds, Volume 4 Text Book $30; Reading Book $30; Resource Book $30
String Quartets separate parts $15; $30 Set
Piano Trios separate parts $15; $30 Set
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EBooks for Musical Minds, Volume 1, Engaging the Musical Mind: A Handbook, and Multicultural Songs, Dances and Games for Children: A Resource are available on Kajabi at: